Healthy air breeds healthy planet

Healthy planet breeds healthy people

Our goal is to safeguard the planet

From the hustles and bustles and rumbles.

Air pollution is so real

Breeding many a devastation

Its impacts can be greatly felt

Bringing economic losses to nations.

Healthy air beams with elegance

Blooming our meadows and bowers

Blooming with sweet smelling fragrance

Of fresh fruits, leaves and flowers.

Healthy air breeds healthy planet

The healthy planet we truly desire

Let us stop the devastating effects

Of indiscriminate dumping of wastes here and there….

Indiscriminate waste is detriment to health

Inflicting diseases and conflicts

Yet waste can be turned into wealth

Waste recycling is a venture of profits.

Waste recycling tackles air pollution

Bringing a breath of fresh air to communities

Save the planet from environmental degradation

For the hope of a brighter future we see.

Accentuate our nation’s sustainable development

Air pollution we must refuse

Let us ensure our planet’s betterment

Reduce waste, recycle and reuse.

Healthy air  breeds healthy planet

Healthy planet breeds healthy people

Our goal is to deal with adverse climate effects

Keep the sky blue and let the earth bubble….

Copyright 2021 by Benjamin Anabaraonye


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